The elephant in the (tech) room...

If you've been participating in tech events, and you identify yourself as a woman or as someone from an underrepresented gender background, you've probably felt, at some point, like an outlier in the room. Unfortunately, cultural and country specificities aside, this seems to be the rule and not the exception.
I have covered, in the past, a few personal experiences about being a woman in tech in the webcomic Tales of All That Geo:

That is why I am bringing to your attention Women in Geospatial+. This organisation aims to promote gender equality in the field, notably by addressing the issue of gender imbalance in tech events. Since most speakers are male, a database like this will make it easier for organisers to find women speakers.
If the above sounds familiar to you, register here to show your availability and expertise to event organisers. Diversity is inspiring (especially to those just starting in the field). And by enabling inclusivity in our community, the whole society benefits.

The Monthly with All That Geo
Want to learn how to use ArcGIS Online for spatial, data-driven storytelling? Sign up for The Monthly with All That Geo and I'll deliver a new example of an interactive web app straight to your inbox every month.
You'll get a behind-the-scenes look at how it was built—from the data collection process through the final app—so you can practice your own data visualisation skills and unlock your creativity as you go.
If you want to find inspiration to start a project that will make a difference in your study area or work, sign up for The Monthly with All That Geo!
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